FIKA Magazine, discover more about our Swedish delicacies

Welcome to Fika MAGAZINE, the IKEA magazine with Swedish flavor. Freshly squeezed, just like summer fruits. We offer you a mix of flavors, recipes, and plenty of inspiration to enjoy the summer with quality products at refreshingly affordable prices.
Do you know what "fika" is?  In Sweden, this is the name given to the snack break that we usually take every day. It is a special time when we socialize with our colleagues, friends or family. And we accompany it with delicious Swedish snacks.

And because we want you to enjoy the best Swedish gastronomy on the islands, we present...

FIKA Magazine

Through this new magazine we want to bring you a little bit closer to the healthy, sustainable and affordable products that you will find in Eating at IKEA. You'll even find cooking tips and recipes, so you can enjoy the taste of Sweden at IKEA, even at home!

Enjoy the new FIKA Magazine!