Welcome to Småland ✨
Magical fun for the little ones

Småland is the perfect playground for children (aged 3-10) to have fun while shopping. With specialised instructors, there's much more to it than you imagine! Come and discover it!

Opening days Activities Gifts Coloring booksSmåland regulations

✨ SPECIAL ACTIVITY from the 1st to the 31st of October

First Christmas postcards children contest for artists from 3 to 10 years old. Become and illustator for the first IKEA postcards collection!

> See more here See termns and conditions

🌞 Småland schedules

Monday to Friday 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Saturdays, holidays and holidays 09:30h to 21:30h

Småland is open from Monday to Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. During the opening holidays, commercial campaigns and school holidays, we are not left behind! We will also be available from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.. So, while you browse the store with peace of mind, the little ones They can continue exploring and playing in their favorite space. 🌈

Here are the upcoming highlights so you can plan your visits and enjoy Småland to the fullest:

12/10 - Festivo de apertura
01/11 - Festivo de apertura
06/12 - Festivo de apertura
09/12 - Día de la enseñanza
23/12 a 07/01 - Vacaciones escolares
Todos los domingos de diciembre

🦦 Småland's little agenda

Every month at Småland you can enjoy free creative activities that we have prepared in your Småland playroom. You will have a great time creating and having fun with our fun crafts!

No prior registration is necessary. Subject to capacity and availability

From September 30th to October 5th

Autumn wreaths

You will learn how to make a hanging wreath with an autumn design to welcome the new season.

From October 7th to 12th

SKOGSDUVA hedgehog masks

You can create your own mask to dress up as a SKOGSDUVA hedgehog.

From October 14th to 19th

SKOGSDUVA owl masks

You can create your own mask to dress up as a SKOGSDUVA owl.

From October 21 to 26

SKOGSDUVA otter masks

You can create your own mask to dress up as a SKOGSDUVA otter with her baby!

From October 28th to November 3rd

Spooky Halloween

You will make terrifying crafts to create pumpkins and paper bats.

🎁 Enjoy playing in the Småland room and get surprise gifts!

It's easy! Request your passport at the Småland playroom in your IKEA store and stamp it with the Fabler bear's paw print every time you enjoy your visit; you'll get surprise gifts!

Have you completed your Småland Passport? Get ready for your surprise.
Congratulations! If you have filled in all the little footprints, it's time to discover your gift.

* Subject to availability. Gifts by age range.

✏ Publications for the little ones, Fun on the go!

Find Småland magazine, colouring books and exciting Fabler Bear books, ready for the little ones to enjoy at home!


Småland Publications


Småland Publications

Småland Publications

Some ways to make safer having fun

Admission and documentation

If you are between 3 and 10 years old, you can come and have fun at Småland. To register, your mother, father or guardian must present an identification document (ID or passport) in person. Only the person who registered you can pick you up at the end of your time at Småland. Once inside, we will identify you individually so that you can enjoy yourself safely.

Relevant information

If your parents or guardians have important information about you that we should know, they must let us know when you register.


For hygienic reasons, you must wear socks to access the game room.


To enjoy Småland, it is important that you know how to go to the toilet without help.


We want to offer you the best service, so the capacity of the room will be limited to a maximum of 10 children per monitor.

Waiting list

If the room is full, we can put your parents or guardians on a waiting list and will notify them by SMS when a space is available for you.

Maximum time

You father, mother or tutor will have a maximum of 1 hour to calmly do their shopping, and they must always remain at the premises.

Photo/video free area

Your privacy is important, you deserve the protection of your personal data, since there are risks, consequences, guarantees and rights to the treatment of your personal data.

Meeting point

If an unexpected emergency occurs where an evacuation is needed, you will be guided to the Meeting point, that is placed at the inside parking.

To the most important people in the world

At IKEA, we want every step to be an adventure. That's why we create products that make their journey easier and more beautiful: from cribs to desks, and all the stuffed animals to cuddle with. Welcome to the best playground, your home!

Discover IKEA and children