This is more than a bedroom; it’s a room where life happens. And yes, that applies to the constantly ongoing and sometimes chaotic life of a family too. The bed is the hub where everybody can check in to have a chat, solve problems or have a rest. Because we all know that the best way to get a really good night’s sleep, is to first have a great day with people you love.

Playing hide and seek with all the stuff
Sorry to ruin the game by revealing the answer, but everything is hidden inside the PAX wardrobes. With endless possibilities to customize the interior of the wardrobe, it’s always ready to provide the perfect solution to your everchanging storage needs. Does it sound easier said than done? On the contrary, it’s easier done than you might think!
See the PAX systemEndless possibilites – one perfect solution
Drawers, shelves, clothes rails, pull-out trays, mesh baskets, inserts of all kinds, you name it. Or rather; you design it! Creating perfect storage to suit the changing needs of a family, has never been easier. In fact, PAX and KOMPLEMENT is like a big family of its own, without a trace of disagreements.

Step up to the family headquarters
The bed is a perfect spot for so much more than just sleeping. There’s no better place to have a morning snuggle, read a book or just catch up. This bed has room for everyone in the family, regardless of time of the day or whether or not you need a TROGEN step stool to get up there.

Keeping the favourites clear to see and ready to go
Let’s be honest, we all have our favourites. In this case it’s a new clothes rack with shoe storage in the GRÅFJÄLLET series, that quickly will become the favourite spot for your favourite clothes to hang out. They’ll appreciate the opportunity to be out in the fresh air, so they don’t have to be washed so often. Other items might prefer the shelter of a closed wardrobe, so it’s a good thing the two alternatives can be combined to suit everybody’s and everything’s wishes.
See all clothes rails & coat standsLet all your nooks and crannies come to life
If these walls could talk, they would probably let you know that they are oh-sohappy to be of use and appreciated for more things than just standing there. Extra storage can be placed almost anywhere, without making a big deal about it. One small hook or shelf can miraculously solve many everyday kind of hassles.

Room for a lot of privacy in a small bed
Living together is great, but so is having your very own little corner of that shared space. Somewhere private to withdraw for those minutes or hours when you just want to be on your own. Any small corner or bunkbed will do if you make it personal and truly yours!

Love never goes out of style
There’s probably a fancier name for the style of this room, like “Scandinavian traditional” or something like that, but “loved” works just as well. It’s a room made to fit the changing needs of everyone in the family, with creative use of every little nook and cranny. The furniture and details are all in different materials and colours, so they might not be a perfect match – but all together they’re a perfect mix & match! Does the concept sound familiar? Of course, since that’s how most families are made up, with love.

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