Reimangine your kitchen

If working in your kitchen is a reality for you, think abaut the table and chairs and make sure they are comfortable. Then it's time for a few more simple updates to make it a two in one kitchen space.


Simple wall storage

A wall mounting task lamp you can angle to your workstation, plus a rail with hooks and containers for your work essentials keeps things close to hand, but easily stored away.


Keep a work trolley

The RÅSKOG trolley on castors becomes a versatile office shelving system that you can simply whell to wherever you need to work. Perfect for meetings on the go.


Slide and hide

Moments away from your video call? Breakfast still all over the kitchen countertop? With a simple cutain rail set up in front of your kitchen units, you can hide away the messy part of your day in an instant, giving you the mental space to focus on the next task.